

The sun is rising. After you have prepared yourself for the hike, the journey starts with a walk towards the diamond beach.

Walking down south by the outlet of the lagoon you stop to experience the phenomena of the moving icebergs. You take a photo or two and continue your walk across the lagoon.
Soon you get exposed by the vast horizon and the black sand beach. Gradually you get down to the beach where you get absorbed by the total wideness. You have no sense of scale and the view towards the ocean is endless. Small stranded icebergs spread around the beach who illuminate in the sunlight ... just like diamonds.

You notice a long structure further down the beach. It is buried into the sand, heading straight into the ocean, breaking the waves that are hitting it. This is the visitor center. You decide to have a look.

The visitor center is a structure that provides a linear walk down towards the ocean, celebrating the tides and the stranding icebergs.
The floor is slightly inclined, seperated by a roof structure that rises up from a steel slide. The slide brings the tides of the ocean higher up into the space but it also brings rainwater down to the ocean. The roof structure has cross-shaped beam structure that holds up curved steel sheets who capture the low, arctic sunlight down into the space as well as bringing down a central slid of skylight and rain. The skylight and the steel slide in the floor guide the visitors down towards the end of the structure where a vertical cut has been made into the curved wall to let in the tides and smaller icebergs.
When the tide is high the visitors are not able to finish the walk, causing a frustration but also a reminder for drastic changes in the landscape.

Status: Academic Project - Master Thesis (2nd structure)

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